Thursday, January 25, 2007

Renewable Energy at Work in India

In India, power shortages are felt nearly everywhere. The reasons range from corruption in government to power theft from over-head power lines. Residents rountinely tamper with electric meters and politicians arrange for families to get free power in exchange for votes. In many small villages, electric power lines are non-existent and the people reside in the darkness with the occassional use of kerosene lanterns.

New Life Evangelistic Center founded an ophranage in the town of Kakinada in southern India. Mark Bernier and Paul Day, recently traveled to India to work with Paparao Yeluchuri, the coordinator of the NLEC center in India and teach how to implement renewable energy. Now, NLEC India is teaching people how to use solar photovoltaics, solar cooking, solar hot water and micro hydro! Thousands participated and it was coverd by state television. Steps are now being taken to use micro-hydro in many rural villages where no electricity exists.

Check out articles from Home Power Magazine

Monday, January 22, 2007

The Weather Channel takes a stand for global warming, and takes the heat.

For years now The Weather Channel has taken on what it sees as its "responsibility": providing the facts on global warming. Now they have taken their campaign to a whole new level…

Check out the controversy here, and get acquainted with The Weather Channel’s stand on global warming through their show and blog, “One Degree.”

The Weather Channel and Green Machines

Plus, take The Weather Channel’s “Green Vehicle” test. How does your car (or better yet, your next car) rank? How much does it cost annually to fuel? How many tons of greenhouse gas emissions does it produce? How many miles per gallon, and what’s its “air pollution score”? I was amazed at how disparate (and important) the results were.

For example: The average driver will spend over $2,500 more at the pump each year by driving a Dodge Ram 1500 rather than a Toyota Prius. That’d be twenty grand in eight years—the cost of a car!

See for yourself.

(Note: At this link, I’ve already picked five cars, just for kicks. To see others, just “remove” one or two of these and select a new vehicle.)

Thursday, January 18, 2007

A Few Ways to Help the Environment

1. Switch from incandescent lightbulbs to compact fluorescent light bulbs

2. Take canvas bags to the grocery store instead of adding to the 84 billion plastic bags Americans use every year

3. Use a travel mug when you are taking your cofee to go

4. Insulate your home

5. RECYLE, don’t throw it all in the trash bin

6. Walk or bike

7. Eat lower on the food chain

8. Switch to Green Power

9. Use biofuels and/or a more fuel efficient car

Want to learn how to install Renewable Energy in your home or car??

Check out MORE's January and February workshops! Save $$$ by becoming a MORE Member!

MORE Recommends these Films!

An Inconvenient Truth

Who Killed the Electric Car

FREE FAIR on February 3, 2007

The Winter Energy Show on Saturday Febuary 3, 2007 from 10 am to 4 pm

Plan to attend one of the upcoming renewable energy fairs and learn about alternative energy sources, affordable housing projects, gather FREE material, talk to experts, and much more.

Located at:

The Mid America Renewable Energy Center
9810 State Road AE
New Bloomfield, Missouri

For more details call us at 1.800.228.5284 or email us:

Hope to see you then!

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New Bloomfield, Missouri
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